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Proposed Constitutional Amendment

1. That Articles 20.1, 20.2 and 20.4 of the Constitution of the Conservative Party of Canada be deleted.

2. That Article 20 be amended by adding:

Wherever the word Constitution appears in this Constitution, the word "interim" be and is hereby placed before it.

This Constitution, and all Constitutions of the Conservative Party of Canada Electoral District Associations passed on an interim basis, are hereby adopted or re-adopted (as the case may be) on an interim basis at the First National Meeting of the Conservative Party of Canada, subject to the following:

Between February 1, 2006 and April 1, 2006, the Conservative Party of Canada will hold a Constitutional and By-Law Convention ("the Constitutional Convention") for a minimum of two days in a major urban centre in Central Canada, except only in the event of a federal election being called between January 1, 2006 and April 1, 2006, in which case the time in this section 20.2.a may be delayed for up to 6 months from the dates provided in this section 20.2.a;

20.2.b. The Conservative Party of Canada will create a Constitutional Committee for the purpose of organizing and governing the Constitutional Convention on behalf of, and as agent for, the Conservative Party of Canada;

20.2.c. The Constitutional Committee will consist of:
i. The President of the Party;
ii. Two National Councillors to be selected by National Council by majorityvote;
iii. Two representatives from each Province selected by the Presidents of the Conservative Party Electoral District Associations in each Province by majority vote; and,
iv. One representative for the three Territories elected by the Presidents of the Conservative Party Electoral District Associations in each Territory by majority vote.

20.2.d. The members of the Constitutional Committee shall be selected by April 15, 2005, and will hold their first meeting by teleconference by April 30, 2005.

20.2.e. By May 30, 2005 the Constitutional Committee will issue Rules and Procedures for Proposing Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Conservative Party of Canada, Rules and Procedures for the Election of Delegates to the Constitutional Convention, and Rules of Order and Governance for the Constitutional Convention.

20.2.f. The Constitution of the Conservative Party of Canada may be amended by majority vote of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention.