Constitution of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada
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Constitution of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada
As Amended Saturday, August 24, 2002

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1.1 The name of the Party is the "PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF CANADA".


2.1 As Progressive Conservatives, we believe in a balance between fiscal accountability, progressive social policy and individual rights and responsibilities.

2.2 The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada exists to:

2.2.1 Build a national coalition of people who share these beliefs and who reflect the regional, cultural and socio-economic diversity of Canada;

2.2.2 Develop this coalition, embracing our differences and respecting our traditions, yet honouring a concept of Canada as the greater sum of strong parts; and

2.2.3 Provide an organizational framework within which Members of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada can effect change, gather public support for its policies and influence government policy through the nomination of Progressive Conservative candidates in every constituency and the election of Progressive Conservative Members of Parliament, for the betterment of Canada.

2.3 The Party will operate in a manner accountable and responsive to its Members.


3.1 The principles of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada are:

3.1.1 A belief in loyalty to a sovereign and united Canada governed in accordance with the Constitution of Canada, the supremacy of democratic parliamentary institutions and the rule of law;

3.1.2 A belief in the equality of all Canadians;

3.1.3 A belief in the freedoms of the individual, including freedom of speech, worship and assembly;

3.1.4 A belief in our constitutional monarchy, the institutions of Parliament and the democratic process;

3.1.5 A belief in the federal system of government as the best expression of the diversity of our country, and in the desirability of strong provincial and territorial governments;

3.1.6 A belief that the best guarantors of the prosperity and well-being of the people of Canada are: the freedom of individual Canadians to pursue their enlightened and legitimate self-interest within a competitive economy; the freedom of individual Canadians to enjoy the fruits of their labour to the greatest possible extent; and the right to own property.

3.1.7 A belief that a responsible government must be fiscally prudent and should be limited to those responsibilities which cannot be discharged reasonably by the individual or others;

3.1.8 A belief that it is the responsibility of individuals to provide for themselves, their families and their dependents, while recognizing that government must respond to those who require assistance and compassion;

3.1.9 A belief that the purpose of Canada as a nation state and its government, guided by reflective and prudent leadership, is to create a climate wherein individual initiative is rewarded, excellence is pursued, security and privacy of the individual is provided and prosperity is from a free competitive market economy;

3.1.10 A belief that the quality of the environment is a vital part of our heritage to be protected by each generation for the next;

3.1.11 A belief that Canada should accept its obligations among the nations of the world; and

3.1.12 A belief that good and responsible government is attentive to the people it represents and has representatives who at all times conduct themselves in an ethical manner and display integrity, honesty and concern for the best interest of all.

3.2 The leadership of the Party is accountable to its Members for ensuring that policies espoused by the Party are guided by these principles.


4.1 In the Constitution,

4.1.1 "affiliated organization" means an organization which has been recognized by the National Council pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 of the Constitution, but does not include a youth association;

4.1.2 "By-laws" means those by-laws enacted by the National Council pursuant to the provisions of Article 8.12.8 of the Constitution;

4.1.3 "campus club" means an organization at a post-secondary institution as recognized by the Progressive Conservative Youth Federation of Canada;

4.1.4 "constituency association" means a federal constituency association which has been recognized by the National Council pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 of the Constitution;

4.1.5 "Constituency Member" means a Member who is a member of a constituency association;

4.1.6 "Constitution" means this constitution of the Party, as amended from time to time;

4.1.7 "ex officio" means recognized by virtue of holding or having held an office within the Party and further means having full rights including the right to vote;

4.1.8 "Leader" means the leader of the Party selected in accordance with Article 11 of the Constitution;

4.1.9 "leadership" means the Management Committee as comprised pursuant to Article 8.16 of the Constitution and the National Council as comprised pursuant to Article 8.11 of the Constitution;

4.1.10 "leadership selection process" means the process for selecting a Leader initiated pursuant to Article 11.4 of the Constitution;

4.1.11 "Member" means a member in good standing of the Party;

4.1.12 "national meeting" includes general and special meetings of Members for any purpose provided for under the provisions of the Constitution save and except for the leadership selection process;

4.1.13 "Party" means the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada;

4.1.14 "Progressive Conservative Youth Federation of Canada" or "PCYF" means that organization comprised of individuals between the ages of fourteen (14) years and twenty-five (25) years inclusive which supports the Aims and Principles of the Party as set out in Articles 2 and 3 of the Constitution;

4.1.15 "Provincial/Territorial Progressive Conservative Youth Association" means the association representing youth constituency associations and Members between the ages of fourteen (14) and twenty-five (25) years inclusive in a province or territory, as recognized by the PCYF;

4.1.16 "Provincial/Territorial Progressive Conservative Post-Secondary Association" means the association of campus clubs for a province or territory, as recognized by the PCYF;

4.1.17 "Provincial/Territorial Vice-Presidents" means those Vice-Presidents elected pursuant to Article 8.8.5 of the Constitution;

4.1.18 "Rules and Procedures" means those rules and procedures enacted by the Management Committee pursuant to the provisions of Article 8.17.5 of the Constitution;

4.1.19 "youth association" means a youth constituency association or campus club as recognized by the PCYF in conformity with Article 7 of the Constitution;

4.1.20 "youth constituency association" means an organization within a federal constituency comprised of individuals between the ages of fourteen (14) and twenty-five (25) years inclusive, as recognized by the PCYF; and

4.1.21 "Regional Council" means a council of constituency associations which has been recognized by National Council pursuant to the provisions of Article 8.13 of the Constitution

4.2 Unless the context otherwise requires, words and phrases used in the Constitution have the same meaning as defined in the Canada Elections Act, as amended from time to time.

4.3 The Constitution governs the affairs of the Party and, in the event of any conflict between the Constitution and any constitutional document of any constituency association, any affiliated organization, any youth association or the PCYF, the Constitution shall prevail.

4.4 In interpreting the Constitution, any conflict between or any ambiguity in its terms shall be resolved by giving preference to the provision or interpretation which best reflects the Aims and Principles set out in Articles 2 and 3 of the Constitution.


5.1 Every person who:

5.1.1 is a citizen or permanent resident of Canada,

5.1.2 has attained the age of fourteen (14) years, and

5.1.3 actively supports the Aims and Principles of the Party is eligible for membership in the Party:

5.1.4 through a constituency association in the constituency in which that person maintains a principal residence; or

5.1.5 through a constituency association in the constituency in which that person serves on the executive of that constituency association; or,

5.1.6 through an affiliated organization or youth association.

5.2 Membership shall be granted to every person who is a member in good standing of a constituency association or of an affiliated organization or of a youth association and who has paid the prescribed fee for membership in the Party; provided that any Member be required to be a Member for at least fourteen (14) days prior to exercising a vote for candidate nomination, at any constituency association Annual General Meeting, leadership selection or delegate selection; but provided further that a person who has been a Member in the previous calendar year shall be entitled to renew that membership at the candidate nomination meeting, at any constituency association Annual General Meeting, leadership selection or delegate selection meeting and shall be entitled to vote thereat.

5.3 Every Member is entitled to:

5.3.1 participate in any meeting of any constituency association, affiliated organization and/or youth association of which that person is a member;

5.3.2 vote for, and stand for election to, the executive of any constituency association, affiliated organization and/or youth association of which that person is a member;

5.3.3 attend any national meeting of the Party upon payment of the prescribed fee; and

5.3.4 to vote for, and stand for election as, a delegate or alternate delegate at any meeting called by the constituency association, affiliated organization or youth association of which that person is a member for the selection of delegates or alternate delegates to any national meeting of the Party.

5.4 Only Constituency Members are eligible to:

5.4.1 vote for, and stand for election as, a candidate for Member of Parliament;

5.4.2 vote for, and stand for election as, the Leader; and

5.4.3 vote on the question of the leadership selection process to be referred to a national meeting pursuant to Article 11.3.

5.5 The Party shall maintain a National Membership Program containing, as a minimum for each Member, that Member's name and address and the name of the constituency association, affiliated organization and/or youth association to which the Member belongs.

5.6 The National Membership Program shall be administered by the National Director under the general direction of the Management Committee through the Secretary.

5.7 The objectives of the National Membership Program are:

5.7.1 to facilitate communication and dialogue between Members and the leadership;

5.7.2 to establish and maintain common, national criteria for the National Membership Program;

5.7.3 to preserve the right of constituency associations, affiliated organizations and youth associations to verify the qualification of a person as a Member provided that the verification is carried out on a timely basis without undue impediment;

5.7.4 to respect the primary role of constituency associations for membership recruitment and activity;

5.7.5 to promote the purposes of the Party and provide benefits to Members on a national basis;

5.7.6 to protect confidentiality of data about Members and not permit the use of the National Membership Program other than for the purposes of the Party; and

5.7.7 to provide sharing of the membership fee as determined by the National Council between the costs of operation of the National Membership Program and the provision of revenue to constituency associations, affiliated organizations and youth associations.


6.1 The constituency association is the primary organization through which the rights of Members are exercised.

6.2 Recognition shall be granted by the constituency association representatives on the National Council to one constituency association in each federal constituency which:

6.2.1 actively supports and promotes the Aims and Principles of the Party;

6.2.2 actively encourages the admission of potential members without unreasonable delay or unreasonable procedure;

6.2.3 holds at least two (2) meetings of its executive in each twelve (12) month period;

6.2.4 with reasonable notice holds at least one (1) general meeting of its members in each twelve (12) month period for the election of its executive and the transaction of other business;

6.2.5 adopts a constitution which provides for membership in the Party through the constituency association in accordance with Articles 5.1 and 5.2 and entitles its members to vote on: the election of a candidate for election as the Member of Parliament for the federal constituency; the election of delegates and alternate delegates for any purpose provided for in the Constitution; and the election of the executive of the constituency association.

6.2.6 adopts a constitution which: conforms to the terms and provisions of the Constitution; confirms the paramountcy of the Constitution; acknowledges and accepts the rights and obligations provided for in the Constitution; and provides for the nomination of a Progressive Conservative candidate for its constituency for each federal election or by-election.

6.2.7 files the following with the Secretary of the Party: a copy of its constitution approved by its members; a list containing the names and addresses of the executive of the constituency association; within thirty (30) days of sale, a record of sale for all memberships purchased through the constituency association, along with the prescribed fee(s) for membership(s) in the Party; a list containing the names and addresses of the members in good standing of the constituency association; and a financial report of the constituency association.

6.3 Membership in a constituency association confers the rights set out in Articles 5.3 and 5.4.

6.4 In the event two or more organizations make application for recognition as a constituency association in any federal constituency, the determination of recognition by the National Council shall be final.

6.5 Every constituency association shall file with the Secretary of the Party on a regular basis and in any event within thirty (30) days following its annual general meeting:

6.5.1 a copy of all constitutional amendments forthwith after approval;

6.5.2 an updated list containing the names and addresses of the executive of the constituency association;

6.5.3 an updated list containing the names and addresses of all members in good standing of the constituency association; and

6.5.4 financial reports of the constituency association.

6.6 The constituency association representatives on the National Council may suspend or revoke the recognition of any constituency association at any time for failure to meet the criteria of Articles 6.2 or 6.5.


7.1 Except in the case of youth associations, which are governed by the provisions of Article 7.3, recognition and renewal of recognition as an affiliated organization, following consideration of recommendations from the Management Committee, may be granted by the National Council to any organization which:

7.1.1 actively supports and promotes the Aims and Principles of the Party as its primary activity and purpose;

7.1.2 is independent of a constituency association;

7.1.3 conforms to such other criteria not inconsistent with the Constitution as may be prescribed from time to time by the National Council including, without limitation, the holding of regular meetings;

7.1.4 adopts a constitution which provides for membership in the Party through the affiliated organization in accordance with Articles 5.1 and 5.2 and which entitles its members to vote on: the election of delegates and alternate delegates for any purpose provided for in the Constitution; and the election of the executive of the affiliated organization.

7.1.5 adopts a constitution which: conforms to the terms and provisions of the Constitution; confirms the paramountcy of the Constitution; and acknowledges and accepts the rights and obligations provided for in the Constitution.

7.1.6 files the following with the Secretary of the Party: a copy of its constitution approved by its members; a list containing the names and addresses of the executive of the organization; a list containing the names and addresses of at least twenty-five (25) members in good standing of the organization, certified by the organization's president and secretary as being accurate; and a financial report of the organization.

7.2 The Progressive Conservative Youth Federation of Canada shall:

7.2.1 file with the Secretary of the Party the PCYF Constitution and any amendments thereto within thirty (30) days of a PCYF general meeting;

7.2.2 file with the Secretary of the Party any and all by-laws and any amendments thereto within thirty (30) days of their approval;

7.2.3 prepare, among other by-laws, by-laws regarding the election of the PCYF executive and the recognition and renewal of recognition of youth associations. Any amendments to these particular by-laws shall be filed with the Secretary of the Party at least six (6) months prior to a PCYF general meeting; and,

7.2.4 normally hold its general meeting and the election of officers at the same time and place as the Party's national meeting.

7.3 Recognition and renewal of recognition of a youth association may be granted by the PCYF to any youth association which respects the rules for affiliated organizations set out in Articles 7.1.1 through 7.1.6. The PCYF shall submit notice of such recognition or renewal of recognition to the Secretary of the Party and, in the case of youth constituency associations, to the President and Secretary of the constituency association.

7.4 Membership in an affiliated organization or in a youth association confers the rights set out in Article 5.3.

7.5 Every affiliated organization and youth association shall file with the Secretary of the Party on a regular basis and in any event within thirty (30) days following its annual general meeting:

7.5.1 a copy of all constitutional amendments forthwith after approval;

7.5.2 an updated list containing the names and addresses of the executive of the affiliated organization or the youth association;

7.5.3 in the case of an affiliated organization, an updated list containing the names and addresses of all members in good standing of the affiliated organization, being not less than twenty-five (25) in number;

7.5.4 in the case of a youth association, an updated list containing the names and addresses of all members in good standing of the youth association, being not less than ten (10) in number; and

7.5.5 financial reports of the affiliated organization or youth association.

7.6 Recognition and renewal of recognition of all affiliated organizations shall be determined annually by the constituency association representatives on the National Council and if granted shall be in effect for a period of one (1) year or until the next meeting of the National Council at which the annual recognition and renewal of recognition of all affiliated organizations is considered.

7.7 The constituency association representatives on the National Council may refuse to grant renewal of recognition or may suspend or revoke the recognition of any affiliated organization at any time for failure to meet the criteria of Articles 7.1 and 7.5, and in addition, on recommendation of the Progressive Conservative Youth Federation of Canada, may at any time suspend or revoke the recognition of any youth association.


8.1 The governance of the Party shall adhere to the following objectives:

8.1.1 full representation of the interests and views of Members;

8.1.2 mutual and direct regular communication and accountability between the Members and leadership;

8.1.3 a continuing policy process and a permanent policy resource which respects and encourages the participation of Members; and

8.1.4 open and accountable fundraising and financing which provide necessary support to the Party's activities.

8.2 The government, management and control of the activities of the Party are vested in the Members at national meetings.

8.3 Between national meetings of the Party, the government, management and control of the activities of the Party are vested in the National Council, subject to general direction from, accountability to and review by the Members at national meetings.

8.4 Between meetings of the National Council, the government, management and control of the activities of the Party are vested in the Management Committee, subject to general direction from, accountability to and review by the National Council at meetings of the National Council.

8.5 The By-laws of the Party shall describe the criteria for participation of and voting by Members at national meetings.

8.6 A general meeting of Members shall be convened at least once every two (2) years by the Management Committee through the National President. In the event the Management Committee does not so convene a general meeting of Members, the National Council may convene such a meeting.

8.7 The National Council has the right to postpone the convening of a general meeting of Members in any year in which there may be a general election, a leadership selection process or for any other reasonable cause.

8.8 In addition to all other rights, powers and obligations provided for in the Constitution, the Members eligible to vote at a general meeting of Members have the rights, powers and obligations to:

8.8.1 Consider and approve reports from: the National President; the Treasurer; the Chair of the PC Canada Fund; the Secretary; the Chair of the Policy Advisory Committee; and the Leader.

8.8.2 Review, discuss and formulate policy for the Party, taking into consideration the continuing policy process of the Party;

8.8.3 Elect the National President by a majority of votes cast;

8.8.4 Elect the Executive Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer by a plurality of votes cast;

8.8.5 Elect by a plurality of votes cast by those Members entitled to vote from their respective provinces or territories, one (1) Vice-President from each of Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and each Territory, two (2) Vice-Presidents from each of Alberta and British Columbia and four (4) Vice-Presidents from each of Ontario and Quebec; and

8.8.6 Transact such further and other business as may relate to the government, management and control of the activities of the Party.

8.9 Special meetings of Members may be convened at any time by the National Council or the Management Committee through the National President to transact any business relating to the government, management and control of the activities of the Party.

8.10 The notice to Members of any special meeting shall be accompanied by a statement of the nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting in sufficient detail to permit the Members to make an informed decision on any such business.

8.11 The National Council shall be comprised of the following Members:

8.11.1 the Leader;

8.11.2 the president or designated representative, neither of whom may be the Member of Parliament, of each constituency association;

8.11.3 the National President;

8.11.4 the Executive Vice-President;

8.11.5 the Secretary;

8.11.6 the Treasurer;

8.11.7 the Chair of the PC Canada Fund;

8.11.8 the Chair of the National Campaign Committee;

8.11.9 the Chair of the Policy Advisory Committee;

8.11.10 the Chair of the Parliamentary Caucus;

8.11.11 the Provincial/Territorial Vice-Presidents;

8.11.12 the Chairs of each Regional Council;

8.11.13 ten (10) voting members of the executive of the Progressive Conservative Youth Federation of Canada;

8.11.14 the presidents of each Provincial/Territorial Progressive Conservative Youth Association;

8.11.15 the presidents of each Provincial/Territorial Progressive Conservative Post-Secondary Association;

8.11.16 the immediate past-National President in office at the time of the election of another person as National President; and,

8.11.17 the National Director as a non-voting member who otherwise will be entitled to attend and fully participate in the proceedings of meetings.

8.12 The National Council, in addition to all other rights, powers and obligations provided for in this Constitution, has the following rights, powers and obligations which cannot be delegated:

8.12.1 Annually, to consider and ratify the Party's budget;

8.12.2 At least annually, to consider and approve reports from the National President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Chair of the PC Canada Fund, the Chair of the Policy Advisory Committee, the Chair of the National Campaign Committee, the Chair of the Parliamentary Caucus, the President of the Progressive Conservative Youth Federation of Canada and the chairs of any other committees established by the National Council;

8.12.3 At least annually, to consider and approve reports from one of the Provincial/Territorial Vice-Presidents from each province and territory;

8.12.4 Annually, to appoint one representative from each province and territory to the Arbitration Committee;

8.12.5 Annually, following consideration of the budget and reports, to consider a report to be presented by the Leader and carry out a mutual accountability session with the Leader;

8.12.6 Provided that no more than twenty (20%) per cent of the membership fee for any membership purchased at a youth association go toward the administration of the National Membership Program, on recommendation of the Management Committee to determine or revise the fee for membership and confirm that portion of the fee to be allocated to the cost of operating the National Membership Program and that portion of the fee to be allocated as revenue to constituency associations, affiliated organizations and youth associations;

8.12.7 In the event of a permanent vacancy in the office of the Executive Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer, to appoint a new Executive Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer from among the elected members of Management Committee;

8.12.8 In the event of a permanent vacancy in the office of a Provincial/Territorial Vice-President, to appoint a replacement as is designated by the National Council members from that respective province/territory to serve the remaining term of the vacant position; and

8.12.9 To enact and amend By-laws consistent with the Constitution which regulate the activities of the Party.

8.13 The constituency association representatives on the National Council shall annually consider and may approve the recognition and renewal of recognition of all affiliated organizations and Regional Councils.

8.14 Meetings of the National Council:

8.14.1 shall be held at least once every twelve (12) months;

8.14.2 may be convened by the National President or the Leader at any time;

8.14.3 may be convened at any time by twenty-five (25) members of the National Council by notice in writing to the Secretary and on receipt of any such notice the Secretary shall forthwith convene a meeting of the National Council; and

8.14.4 shall require at least fifty (50%) percent of those voting members in attendance to be representatives of Constituency Associations.

8.15 Members of the National Council who are representatives of constituency associations shall report to their respective constituency associations in a timely manner on the activities and decisions of the National Council.

8.16 The Management Committee shall be comprised of the following Members:

8.16.1 the Leader;

8.16.2 the National President;

8.16.3 the Executive Vice-President;

8.16.4 the Secretary;

8.16.5 the Treasurer;

8.16.6 the Chair of the PC Canada Fund or a member of the Board of Directors of the PC Canada Fund designated by the Chair;

8.16.7 the Chair or either of two Co-Chairs of the National Campaign Committee;

8.16.8 the Chair or either of two Co-Chairs of the Policy Advisory Committee;

8.16.9 the Chair of the Parliamentary Caucus or a member of Caucus designated by the Chair;

8.16.10 the President, Vice-President Anglophone and Vice-President Francophone of the Progressive Conservative Youth Federation of Canada;

8.16.11 the Provincial/Territorial Vice-Presidents, or a designated representative of National Council from the Province or Territory of the Vice-President as designated by the Vice-President;

8.16.12 the immediate past-National President in office at the time of the election of another person as National President; and

8.16.13 the National Director as a non-voting member who otherwise will be entitled to attend and fully participate in the proceedings of meetings.

8.17 The Management Committee, in addition to all other rights, powers and obligations provided for in this Constitution, has the following rights, powers and obligations which cannot be delegated:

8.17.1 to oversee the maintenance of the National Membership Program including, without limitation, making recommendations to the National Council on the setting of fees and the sharing of those fees between the costs of operating the National Membership Program and the provision of revenue to constituency associations, affiliated organizations and youth associations;

8.17.2 to consider applications for recognition and renewal of recognition of affiliated organizations and to make recommendations annually to the constituency association representatives on the National Council for approval of recognition and renewal of recognition of all affiliated organizations;

8.17.3 to approve the Party's annual budget as presented by the Treasurer;

8.17.4 to appoint the National Director and the Chairs of the PC Canada Fund, the National Campaign Committee and the Policy Advisory Committee on the recommendation of the Leader; and

8.17.5 to enact and amend Rules and Procedures for national meetings, National Council meetings, Management Committee meetings and such other matters relating to the operations and activities of the Party as may be determined by the By-laws.

8.18 Meetings of the Management Committee:

8.18.1 shall be held at least quarterly in every twelve (12) month period;

8.18.2 may be convened by the National President or the Leader at any time;

8.18.3 may be convened at any time by five (5) members of the Management Committee by notice in writing to the Secretary and on receipt of any such notice the Secretary shall forthwith convene a meeting of the Management Committee; and,

8.18.4 shall require at least fifty (50%) percent of those voting members in attendance to be Provincial/Territorial Vice-Presidents.

8.19 The duties and obligations of the following members of the Management Committee, together with such further duties and obligations as may be provided for in the Constitution or By-laws, are as follows:

8.19.1 National President:

The National President is the chief executive officer of the Party and chairs all meetings of the National Council and Management Committee. The National President is an ex officio member of all committees of the Management Committee, and, representing the Management Committee, is an ex officio member of the Board of Directors of the PC Canada Fund, the National Campaign Committee and the Policy Advisory Committee. The National President reports on the overall management of the Party to the National Council and the Management Committee.

8.19.2 Executive Vice-President:

The Executive Vice-President shall perform all of the duties of the National President in the absence, inability or refusal to act of the National President. The Executive Vice-President shall perform such other duties as the National President, Management Committee or National Council may delegate. In the event that the National President is unable to fulfill the duties of the position, Management Committee may declare the position to be vacant and the Executive Vice-President shall then be declared the National President and the Executive Vice-President position shall be declared vacant.

8.19.3 Secretary:

The Secretary is responsible for the encouragement and development of membership in the Party, for the maintenance of the National Membership Program and for reporting to the National Council and the Management Committee on membership. The Secretary is also responsible for the constitutional amendment process.

8.19.4 Treasurer:

The Treasurer is responsible for preparation of the Party's annual budget and its presentation to the Management Committee for approval and to the National Council for consideration and ratification. The Treasurer, representing the Management Committee, sits as an ex officio member of the Board of Directors of the PC Canada Fund, and is also accountable for the expenditure of the Party's funds. The Treasurer reviews financial reports from constituency associations, affiliated organizations, youth associations and the PCYF. The Treasurer presents regular financial reports to the National Council and the Management Committee.

8.19.5 Chair, PC Canada Fund:

The Chair of the PC Canada Fund is responsible for fundraising for the Party, for compliance of the PC Canada Fund as registered agent of the Party with the Canada Elections Act and for reporting to the National Council and the Management Committee on these activities.

8.19.6 Chair, National Campaign Committee:

The Chair of the National Campaign Committee is responsible for all issues relating to the organization of national election campaigns and for reporting to the National Council and the Management Committee on these activities.

8.19.7 Chair, Policy Advisory Committee:

The Chair of the Policy Advisory Committee is responsible for the implementation of the policy process within the Party, for ensuring that a permanent policy resource is available to the Party and for reporting to the National Council and the Management Committee on these activities.

8.19.8 Chair, Parliamentary Caucus:

The Chair of the Parliamentary Caucus is responsible for liaison between the Parliamentary Caucus and the National Council, and for reporting to the National Council and the Management Committee on activities of the Parliamentary Caucus.

8.19.9 President, Progressive Conservative Youth Federation of Canada:

The President of the PCYF is responsible for liaison between the PCYF and the National Council and for reporting to the National Council and the Management Committee on the activities and the financial affairs of the PCYF and its recognized organizations.

8.19.10 Provincial/Territorial Vice-Presidents:

The Provincial/Territorial Vice-Presidents are ex officio members of their respective regional councils within their province/territory where they exist. Where a regional council does not exist, the Provincial/Territorial Vice-Presidents will work with the constituency association presidents and others to coordinate Party activities within their respective provinces and territories. A Provincial/Territorial Vice-President from each province and territory shall report to the National Council and the Management Committee on these activities.

8.19.11 National Director:

The National Director through the Party's national headquarters is responsible for the organization, management and coordination of all activities and administrative functions of all branches of the Party as may be determined by the Management Committee. The National Director shall be accountable to the Management Committee through the President.

8.20 Subject to the provisions of this Constitution nothing in this Article 8 shall be deemed to prevent Members within a province or territory from implementing a structure within that province or territory as those Members consider most appropriate to enhance the Aims and Principles of the Party, including, among other matters, the establishment of regional councils and the enactment of by-laws within such province or territory regulating the regional representation of the Provincial/Territorial Vice-Presidents from that province or territory as elected pursuant to Article 8.8.5.


9.1 The National Council shall establish and oversee a Policy Advisory Committee to be chaired by a person appointed pursuant to Article 8.17.4.

9.2 The National Council is responsible, through the Policy Advisory Committee, for the implementation and maintenance of the policy process within the Party and, in particular, is responsible for promoting and encouraging all Members, constituency associations, affiliated organizations, youth associations and the PCYF to participate in the policy process.

9.3 The Policy Advisory Committee shall facilitate the promotion and maintenance of the policy process of the Party, and shall ensure that the policy process is at all times accountable to the Members. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing mandate, the objectives of the policy process within the Party are to:

9.3.1 facilitate the full and continuing involvement of all Members, constituency associations, affiliated organizations, youth associations and the PCYF in the formulation, discussion and dissemination of policy proposals and resolutions;

9.3.2 oversee, facilitate and promote the communication of policy proposals and resolutions from the constituency level to the provincial/territorial level, to the regional level and to the national level of the Party. This may include constituency, provincial, territorial, regional and national conferences which may be held in conjunction with a national meeting; and

9.3.3 facilitate and promote on a regular and timely basis responses from the leadership to Members, constituency associations, affiliated organizations, youth associations and the PCYF on policy proposals and resolutions put forward by them.

9.4 To facilitate and promote continuing policy formulation within the Party, the National Council through the Policy Advisory Committee is responsible for the implementation, maintenance and overseeing of a permanent policy resource.

9.5 The mandate of the permanent policy resource is:

9.5.1 to facilitate and support policy discussion within the Party and serve as a policy resource to the Party, the Leader and the Parliamentary Caucus;

9.5.2 to provide effective and timely liaison and communication among Members, constituency associations, affiliated organizations, youth associations, the PCYF, the leadership, the Parliamentary Caucus and the Leader on policy issues;

9.5.3 to seek policy expertise from a variety of sources;

9.5.4 to undertake political education, both within and outside the Party;

9.5.5 to define policy issues for detailed study; and

9.5.6 to implement a regular reporting system to Members, constituency associations, affiliated organizations, youth associations and the PCYF on the policy process within the Party, on specific policy issues being considered by the Party and on the implementation of policy by the Leader, Parliamentary Caucus, the National Council and the Management Committee.


10.1 The Party designates the PC Canada Fund as its registered agent pursuant to the Canada Elections Act.

10.2 The National Council shall oversee the activities of the PC Canada Fund and shall ensure its accountability to the Party and shall determine the financial administration procedures of the Party, the constituency associations, the affiliated organizations, the youth associations and the PCYF.

10.3 The Management Committee shall determine the role, structure and function of the PC Canada Fund.

10.4 The PC Canada Fund shall provide audited financial statements, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, annually to the National Council, Management Committee, constituency associations, affiliated organizations, youth associations and the PCYF.

10.5 Donations received by or on behalf of the Party, any constituency association, any affiliated organization, any youth association and the PCYF in excess of a nominal amount as determined in the By-laws shall be disclosed to and receipted by the PC Canada Fund.

10.6 Financial rules, including requirements for public disclosure in a timely manner, relating to candidates for Leader and candidates for nomination for election to Parliament shall be set out in the By-laws.

10.7 The Management Committee is responsible for ensuring that each constituency association, affiliated organization, youth association and the PCYF completes and provides to the Secretary financial reports in a form determined by the Management Committee.

10.8 The National Council directly or through the Management Committee is entitled to take all necessary steps to assume control and ownership of all of the assets of a constituency association, affiliated organization, youth association or the PCYF on behalf of the Party in such special circumstances as may be determined from time to time in the By-laws and/or Rules and Procedures, including on the suspension or revocation of recognition of any constituency association, affiliated organization or youth association pursuant to Articles 6.6 or 7.7. Assets assumed under the provisions of this article shall be held in trust and administered under the direction of the National Council. Such assets shall be returned to or paid out to the next duly elected executive of the constituency association, affiliated organization, youth association or PCYF whose recognition has been renewed. In the event that such constituency association, affiliated organization, youth association or PCYF ceases to exist or does not re-apply for renewal of recognition within a period of five (5) years from the assumption of the control of its assets, such assets shall be transferred or paid out to the PC Canada Fund.


11.1 The Leader is the chief public official of the Party and shall promote the Party and its Aims and Principles.

11.2 The Leader, in addition to all other rights, powers and obligations provided for in the Constitution, has the following rights, powers and obligations:

11.2.1 to recommend a National Director and Chairs of the PC Canada Fund, the National Campaign Committee and the Policy Advisory Committee for appointment by the Management Committee;

11.2.2 to attend and participate in meetings of the National Council and the Management Committee and at least once each year provide a report to and carry out a mutual accountability session with the members of the National Council; and

11.2.3 to attend and report at general meetings of the Members on implementation of policy matters and on other Party matters of importance to Members.

11.3 The Leader is subject to review in the following manner:

11.3.1 in the event at least one hundred (100) constituency association representatives on the National Council make a request on not less than twenty-one (21) days notice in writing to the National President that the question "Do you wish to implement the leadership selection process?" be put to the National Council, that question shall be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the National Council; and

11.3.2 in the event two-thirds of the total of the constituency representatives on the National Council and the members of the Management Committee who are in attendance at the meeting of the National Council at which such question is put, vote in favour of such question, the question shall be placed on the agenda of the next national meeting; or

11.3.3 in the event the Party does not form the government after a federal general election, the question "Do you wish to implement the leadership selection process?" shall be placed on the agenda of the first national meeting following such general election.

11.4 In the event:

11.4.1 of vacancy in the office of the Leader; or

11.4.2 the Leader indicates an intention to resign by notice in writing to the National President; or

11.4.3 more than fifty (50%) percent of the votes cast at a national meeting are in favour of a leadership selection process, the National Council shall commence the leadership selection process at the earliest convenient date thereafter and the following shall apply:

11.4.4 the leadership selection process shall be based on the objective that all Members should be encouraged and be able to participate in the process through their constituency associations;

11.4.5 the National Council shall appoint the chair(s) and a committee for the leadership selection process and, save and except for the provisions for election as hereafter set out, the committee shall determine all the rules and procedures, including a dispute resolution procedure, which rules and procedures are subject to review by the National Council or its designated representatives; and

11.4.6 The election of the Leader shall begin with a direct vote of Constituency Members in every constituency association across Canada, and conclude with a National Convention, based on the following process: Each Constituency Member is entitled to cast one (1) vote for a leadership candidate of his or her choice or as “undeclared” and also to vote for individual delegates to the National Convention who have either declared their support for a particular leadership candidate or are standing as undeclared; In accordance with the will of the Constituency Members, delegates to the National Convention shall be selected in proportion to the popular direct vote cast by Constituency Members among the leadership candidates and the undeclared category; The delegate structure of the National Convention shall be as set out in the Constitution and By-laws and shall respect the Party’s tradition of making conventions as accessible as possible to young people and Canadians from all regions; Delegates selected in support of leadership candidates shall vote in favour of the candidate they have been selected to support on the first ballot. Should any leadership candidate fail to win a majority on any ballot, the leadership candidate who received the fewest votes on that ballot shall retire, and a further ballot shall be held. Successive ballots shall be held until one candidate receives a majority and is thereby elected as Leader.

11.5 In the event:

11.5.1 of vacancy in the office of the Leader; or

11.5.2 the Leader indicates an intention to resign by notice in writing to the National President; or
11.5.3 more than fifty (50%) percent of the votes cast at a national meeting are in favour of a leadership selection process, the constituency association representatives on the National Council together with the members of the Management Committee may appoint an interim Leader of the Party.


12.1 Each official candidate of the Party for election as Member of Parliament for a federal constituency shall be chosen by greater than fifty (50%) percent support expressed by the Constituency Members who participate in the nomination procedure.

12.2 The nomination procedure in each constituency association will be determined by the constituency association provided that reasonable notice of the method of nomination and the date(s) of nomination shall be given to its Constituency Members at least two (2) weeks prior to the date(s) of such nomination.

12.3 The Management Committee may alter, abridge or suspend such minimum notice time period in exceptional circumstances.

12.4 Every constituency association shall organizationally and financially support its Progressive Conservative candidate in its constituency in every federal election campaign.


13.1 Save and except for any dispute related to the leadership selection process, any ten (10) members of a constituency association, affiliated organization or youth association may give notice in writing to the National Director of a claim that the requirements of the Constitution, By-laws or Rules and Procedures are not being met by the executive of their constituency association, affiliated organization or youth association.

13.2 The National Director shall investigate the merits of the claim and is authorized to intervene to attempt to resolve the dispute.

13.3 If the National Director decides not to intervene or is unsuccessful in resolving the dispute, the matter will be referred by the National Director to the Arbitration Committee with a written report from the National Director.

13.4 On receipt of the written report from the National Director, the Arbitration Committee shall select three (3) members of its Committee to arbitrate and decide on the dispute.

13.5 The National Council or Management Committee may refer any matter, other than any dispute related to the leadership selection process, to the Arbitration Committee for reference to a panel of the Arbitration Committee for consideration and decision.

13.6 The decision of any Arbitration Committee panel is final and binding and is not subject to appeal or review on any grounds.

13.7 Subject to any specific directions from any Arbitration Committee panel, the National Council or the Management Committee is empowered to implement the decisions of that Arbitration Committee panel.

13.8 The rules and procedures for the Arbitration Committee shall be determined by the Management Committee.


14.1 Amendments to the Constitution may be made at any national meeting.

14.2 Members may propose amendments to the Constitution.

14.3 A constituency association, an affiliated organization or a youth association may propose amendments to the Constitution provided the proposed amendment has been approved by the members of the constituency association, affiliated organization or youth association.

14.4 Notice of a proposed amendment must be in writing and received by the Secretary at least forty-two (42) days before the first day of the next national meeting. The Secretary shall send a copy of the proposed amendment so received at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the first day of the next national meeting to all constituency associations, affiliated organizations, youth associations, the National Council, the Management Committee and all Members of record entitled to vote on the proposed amendment.

14.5 In lieu of such notice, a proposed amendment will be considered and voted upon only if it has the supporting signatures of Members who are entitled to vote on the proposed amendment and who are from at least one hundred (100) constituency associations, affiliated organizations and/or youth associations.

14.6 The Constitution shall not be amended unless a motion to amend is carried by at least two thirds (2/3) of all Members voting on the motion to amend.

© 1867 - 2003 Parti progressiste-conservateur du Canada / Progressive Conservative Party of Canada